NewsMay 15, 2024
Roof repairs completed, new trailer issues, and upcoming expansion plans at the Recycling Center. Volunteers needed for May 20 work day. Next meeting: May 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Extension office.
Paula Bridges
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My last letter was very short. I was very frazzeled dealing with the roof damage at the center. Daniel's Roofing completed the repairs in less than a week at no charge. We were very pleased with their work. We may use them in the future with some bracing work we need in the roof area.

We had the first trailer go out on March 20. It was the first one with the new company so there were some kinks to work out. We hoped to follow with another trailer but the rains have been too frequent. The grounds around the center, my yard and just about everywhere have been saturated. We have to be cautious when planning for a trailer because of the weight. We have three dry days coming up, then rain again on Sunday. We need a week or more of dry days before we feel it would be safe enough for a trailer. So we will be watching the forecast closely.

In the meantime we are planning a work day at the center. We need to expand again, so three more stalls will be opened up. This means removing 12 boards and three support posts. We will need sledgehammers, crowbars and chainsaws and muscles. We hope to schedule it sometime in the week of May 20. We don't have a day set yet, as we are waiting for volunteers to suggest the best days that week. So if you are available speak out and let me know which days are best for you.

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The next recycling meeting is scheduled for6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 28 at the Extension office. All are welcome!

PAULA BRIDGES is chairman of Bollinger County Recycling Board of Directors.

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