EducationJanuary 14, 2025

Zalma R-V School District celebrated December's citizenship assembly with Mrs. Bishop reading "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Sleigh." Students were recognized for responsibility and enjoyed festive games.

Pictured are Zalma students named December good citizens, from left: Jade Adams, Brayden Amelunke, Rebecca James, Claira Schrader, Sterling Cannon, Finlee Shoemaker, Tinsley Schrader and Jesse Burkman.
Pictured are Zalma students named December good citizens, from left: Jade Adams, Brayden Amelunke, Rebecca James, Claira Schrader, Sterling Cannon, Finlee Shoemaker, Tinsley Schrader and Jesse Burkman.Courtesy Zalma School District

The Zalma R-V School District's December's citizenship assembly was held in last month.

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Brandi Bishop served as the event's guest reader and read "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Sleigh".

This month's focus was responsibility. Then, the second, third and fourth grade students had their turn at games. This month's games were reindeer roundup, Musical "chairs" Christmas style, and head, shoulders, knees, toes and Cups.

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